Practical applications of such a system as Easyimage are multiple, it represents the ideal solution in all cases where a commercial organization, the owner of a single-brand chain stores or of gas stations, or a local authority want to distribute multimedia content or advertising of great impact in the places and times from the customer profiles.
The company owner of distribution chains, such as hypermarket and supermarkets, may decide to set up several play stations within their centres, perhaps with a multimedia station for each department and to send different multimedia contents or advertisement to each location. Video communication is particularly attractive and certainly more emotional than the printed material (posters, flyers etc.). The video stations are concentrated in narrow places or corridors or in special areas of "staging" where it is possible to program offered references in the different departs. Or it is possible to place them in the same wards, including the ones considered most strategic, and for each monitor programming only the offers of the depart.
Monobrand stores and franchising ones are generally located very distant. With Easyimage it will be possible to place a play station in each store, within the same store or outside in the window sending video clip, photos about products or latest news. The network video system will be very welcome news to customers, especially if schedule provides, in addition to offers and advertising, advices, information and whatever could be appropriate for the target audience.
The entity that decides to use Easyimage service, may install stations inside or outside (with appropriate locations) its structure, sending messages and information about the activities and innovations in place.
For the public administration is very important to inform citizens about municipal/provincial initiatives, meetings, submit financial statement or simply communicate: Easyimage, after a study of facilities available, makes the design for the installation of a system of stations managed by remote, in order to show in an innovative way these contents.
The banking environment scenario is a very effective example of application of Easyimage. Customers waiting to operate the counter can display messages about financial products promoted by the bank, stock market quotes or special offers on mortgages and current accounts. The waiting time would be certainly perceived less than before by customer thanks to the entertainment offered.
The headquarters that manage the multimedia playlist, may choose to send messages studied according to the region/state branch to individual sites and to present financial products that marketing research underlined as most needed for a specific geographic area.
The network allows the daily schedule can be programmed periodically with advertising videos, spot and video promotions concerning individual product promoted by the bank or partner companies. This could be an advertising service that the Bank could offer to its partners to pay in order to recover the costs incurred for Easyimage. Using digital signage means having the ability to standardize the messages and to convey them fast and widespread in all locations throughout the area, allowing at the same time personalisation linked to the particular territorial context of the branches themselves.
The queues at the counter in health facilities are often perceived as tedious by the customers and this fact affects negatively the review score. A Digital signage system such as that proposed by Easyimage, spreading multimedia messages on added services offered by the resort and on the news available to the client, on the health benefits provided, on information concerning medicine and health and the latest discoveries in medicine for the sick, can raise the quality of user’s expectations.
The placement of structures for the transmission of multimedia messages into a gas station helps to reduce the waiting time for customers holding on to supply the fuel, to make an oil change or to pay the cashier. The petrol company can control all the installations in the various stations sending multimedia messages on offers, promotions, campaigns and competitions collection points, maintaining the possibility to personalize some contents according to the geographical placement or to special initiative available to individual stores.