What is Easyimage? How does Easyimage work? Here you can find the answers to common questions about Easyimage. If you do not find the answer to your question please send us an inquiry.
What is Easyimage?
Easyimage is a complete system, hardware and software that provides a mechanism for the diffusion of multimedia contents (images, text, video, pdf…) via Web, from a central location (server) to one or more device stations (called play stations).
What are the potential users of Easyimage?
Easyimage could be of particular interest for large store, owners of single-brand retail chains or franchises, banks, public bodies and generally to anyone who wishes to have the ability to display on screens or monitors various media contents ads, controlled by a single play station.
How does Easyimage work?
All the device play stations will receive multimedia contents and related commands from the central server located in a special server farm placed at New Works Informatica. The server will also be programmed by the person in charge of contents with graphic and photographic material or with videos through the interface "administrator" via Web, using a standard browser. All connections among Play stations-server-admin will be done through the Internet. The video signal produced by breeding stations will be distributed in several television monitors with video input Pal (LCD or Plasma) located in outlets , offices, shop windows, etc..The site chosen to accommodate the point of transmission of images, that could be units of a shopping mall, a chain of monobrand shops, bank branches or local public entity, must be equipped with an Internet connection ADSL or higher, preferably (but not necessarily) with static IP (ADSL fixed line or mobile using modern USB running on GSM / UMTS / broadband).The timing of distribution of movies from the server play stations will vary depending on the length of movies and type of bandwidth / server.
The customers has to shift multimedia stations where he wishes, by providing at least one high speed Internet access for each host structure. The placement of the play stations in the selected site and of the central server in the web farm is a complete responsibility of New Works Informatica as also all relevant maintenance services of the stations themselves.
Costs to the customer
Service agreement that provides for a fixed monthly charge for the use of play stations, of the EASYIM@GE software and monitors. The service agreement also provides all maintenance services of hardware and software given on loan. Management agreement (media manager) which covers all services concerning creativity, the creation of images and videos, programming and sending of the schedule. Easyimage offers the opportunity for consultation and production of multimedia contents to be sent to locations that will be treated in terms of graphics and optimized for the transmission over the Web and the display on display advertising.
What are the advantages brought by Easyimage for my business?
Video communication is particularly attractive and certainly more emotional than the printed materials (posters, flyers, etc.).
-Every promotional information can be sent within two minutes from the idea to all remote locations, wherever they are. With the use of this innovative medium corporate branding can have benefits in terms of image. The stations playing multimedia contents may be concentrated in narrow places or corridors in special areas of “staging” where it is possible to program content in relation to the context, or they can be placed in the departments of superstores, in shop windows, in front of bank braches or at the entrance of public buildings and it would be possible to program for each monitor different multimedia playlist. Network allows to plan in the daily schedule periodically, advertising and commercial films and video promotions linked to individual suppliers’ product review. A paid service that would allow cost recovery. The network video system will provide a very welcome news to customers, especially if the daily schedule provides, in addition to offers and advertising, also suggestions, information and whatever may be appropriate for the target audience. Extreme simplicity and immediacy of use. It doesn’t require any special technical knowledge.
Altough interested in the use of Easyimage I don't think to have the knowledge to develop multimedia contents. What con I do?
Easyimage gives you the ability to integrate in your agreement a service of consultancy to create and manage multimedia content to be projected in different locations.
What does each play station consist in?
Each play station consists in a computer with video card TV, specially prepared by New Works Informatica and configured in order to perform automatically all the functions of the station through a dedicated media player software made by New Works and it is connected to one or more monitors. All the monitors connected to the same station will play the same multimedia content. Screens and displays connected to different play station will show different multimedia sequences.
How often is it possible to change the content trasmitted to the stations?
It is possible to change contents whenever you want without time limits. Stations are connected to the central server periodically to check the existence of a new playlist. If it is detected a new playlist, the station downloads contents and projects them in loop until a command to stop or until the detection of a new sequence.
What types of multimedia content can be trasmitted to the workstation?
The stations allow you to view in full screen sequences composed of video (movies compressed in DivX or MPEG will play in 768x576 at 25fps Pal system with excellent quality), photographs, text, documents in pdf or Word.
Can I put in sequence different types of multimedia content in the playlist?
Certainly Easyimage gives you the opportunity to put in sequence: video, then photographs, then a text, another video and so on.