All the play stations, peripherals located at any points where you want to see the multimedia sequences, will obtain the contents and the related commands form the central server located in a separate server farm located at breeding station will be distributed on different displays and television monitors with video input Pal (LCD or Plasma).
Sites used to place breeding station must be equipped with an internet connection ADSL, or higher, preferably (but not necessarily) with static IP (fixed or mobile through modern USB running on gsm/umts/broadband). The timing of distribution of videos from the central server to the play stations will vary depending on the length of videos and type of bandwidth/server available.
The customers must have the possibility to shift multimedia stations wherever they wish, by providing at least one high speed Internet access for each host structure (ADSL fixed line or mobile using USB running on GSM/UMTS/broadband). The placement of the stations in the selected site and the one of the central server in the web farm is exclusive responsibility of New Works Informatica as all related services including maintenance of the same stations.
Service agreement that provides for a fixed monthly charge for the use of play stations, of the EASYIMAGE software and monitors. The service agreement also provides all maintenance services of hardware and software given on loan.
Management agreement (media manager) which covers all services concerning creativity, the creation of images and videos, programming and sending of the schedule.
Easyimage offers the opportunity for consultation and production of multimedia contents to be sent to locations that will be treated in terms of graphics and optimized for the transmission over the Web and the display on display advertising.
The customer can have at his disposal all screens and displays necessary for each of his station placed all around the Italian territory. It will be enough for all places to have a single ADSL line (ADSL fixed line or mobile using modern USB running on GSM / UMTS / broadband).
The service involves paying a monthly fee for each item of transmission of images, (screen / display). Each point of transmission will be made operational through the provision on loan of an instrument of transmission.
The responsible of multimedia contents has to manage the service of video and multimedia transmission and he will have a private account in order to access a website that will act as directed for the preparation and distribution of images to all subsidiary locations.
Sequences must be produced to be sent to device monitors, "prepared" a lot of "sequences to be projected" each of them could be composed by static images, text, videos, and photographs. Each “sequence project” has a name and an addressee. The addressee of each “sequence project” is one of the many remote stations. You can manage and send information to each different locations of reproduction. The system will be able of fully automatic transmission of “sequences to project” to their target stations, which then displays a full screen sequence in continuous repetition. The spread of "sequence to project" or "playlist" continues until it reaches an order of projection of a new "sequence of projection".